Written Expression Test. English and French languages
Send us your text to prepare the Written Expression test and we will return it to you corrected
in a maximum of 48 hours. For only $8.50 per text
The Test (Functional)
This skill is evaluated by a test consisting of the writing of a letter, to choose between two options, which must have an approximate length of 200 words. The time for its completion is 60 minutes.
Functional level:
- Simple personal correspondence, routine professional correspondence and related documents such as memos, brief reports and personal letters on everyday topics.
- Instructions, descriptions of people, places and things; narratives of present, past and future activities in full paragraphs, albeit in a simple way.
The Test (Professional)
This skill is evaluated by a test consisting of the writing of a letter, to choose between two options, which must have an approximate length of 300 words. The time for its completion is 70 minutes.
Professional level:
- Formal and informal correspondence and documents on practical, social and professional topics in an effective way, as well as topics of your specific area of competence.
- Texts of an argumentative, analytical, speculative, explanatory, narrative and descriptive type.
- Abstract concepts that relate to your professional area or complex topics, such as security and defense, geo-strategy, international relations, culture, science and technology.
The Test (Expert)
This skill is evaluated by a test consisting of the wording of approximately 400 words. Two options must be chosen, one of them general lynosive and one on security and defence. The time for its completion is 90 minutes.
Expert level:
- All kinds of professional documents, such as the exhibition of a line of action or an official point of view.
- Written, using a variety of styles, even in general or professional topics that are not familiar to you.
- Abstract concepts as well as texts related to his work, private correspondence, reports, writings dealing with a certain position the final draft of any type of text.
- Texts such as security and defense, geo-strategy, international relations, culture, science and technology.
Procedure for Sending and Correcting written Expression Test (EE) of the PFS:
- , Select here to pay the amount for the EE test corrections service: 8.50 euros per text sent
- Send us your text to correct to the following email address:
a. ENGLISH and languages other than French: [email protected]
B. FRENCH: [email protected]
- In a maximum of 48 hours you will receive in your email the proof you have sent us corrected, including proposals for improvements.
- Once you receive the correction, you can send us a 2nd email requesting further clarifications about the correction received.
- Corrections are made in the language under preparation,English, French, German, etc…
- Whenever you want a new correction of a new text, proceed as indicated in points 1 and 2.